Tag Archives: elections

Low voter turnout = don’t come crying to me

voteredandblueThe results are in and the election is over, but did everyone’s voice get heard?

According to an article from The Post, 75 percent of residents stayed home and did not vote on election day.  Now this was a shock to some while others were less than surprised.  It is obvious that fewer people are going to show up for a non-presidential election… I know if may be hard to garner support for people to go out and vote for the city’s only race–a city council race–but this election also had some issues that many people are passionate about, including Issue 3.

Issue 3, which would bring casinos to four major Ohio cities, passed last night–and many people aren’t happy about it.  I got into a few political debates with my friends, as I often do, and they were against Issue 3.  They could rattle off all of their reasons for being against it and why they were stronly opposed but it came down to one question.

“Did you vote?,” I asked.

“Ummm, no,” they would said.

These people who didn’t want casinos in their hometowns and surrounding areas didn’t even make the effort to vote or to get an absentee ballot.  I know that it feels like it is hard to make a difference and that you are just one small voice.  But don’t let me hear your “small voice” complaining about the casinos popping up when you did nothing to prevent them…not even flex that civil responsibility we call voting.

Now, students may not be counted in the Athens County voter pool.  I am not saying that all students should go out and vote on the Athens issues if they don’t really live here.  But what I am saying is make your voice heard.  If you have an issue that you are passionate about, then get an absentee ballot and vote.  At least then, when you inevitably complain, you are justifiied in doing your part to prevent it.

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Filed under Athens, Ohio, Ohio University