Tag Archives: family

The Ohio University winter break woes

East Green empties out during winter break at Ohio University.

It’s hard to believe that Ohio University’s winter quarter classes will begin in only three weeks!  Where has this winter break gone?  Our massive winter break has its ups and downs and I know I will certainly miss it when I enter the “real world.”

The six-week winter break has long been a great opportunity for students to seek seasonal employment or internships…but not without a cost.  I have noticed that every year, as I move back home to Fort Thomas, Kentucky, I am faced with the challenging task of living with my parents.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my parents, but I am sure that many students can agree the transition from independence at school to the  six weeks of oppression and hand-holding from parents can be a difficult one.

Let me first explain– I get along very well with my parents.  We don’t really ever fight, I enjoy their company and they constantly make me laugh.  With that said, it is hard to go from doing everything on my own schedule at school to conforming to their plans and ideas they spring on me last minute. 

Staying out late and sleeping in until noon is not happening in the Hensley household.  Relaxation is replaced with chores and absolute freedom takes a back seat to my parents’ plans.  I hate to complain because winter break with my family has tons of upsides: home cooked meals, no rent or utilities and the constant love and affection from my parents.  It’s nice living with them and they like to take care of me…but I often feel like I am a high school version of myself.

This winter break I am living in Washington, D.C. doing an internship with Meet The Press and it is quite and untraditional choice for me.  Yes, I have freedom from the tyranny of my parents; however, I find myself missing the love, affection and, of course, the delicious meals they provide.  It’s especially difficult knowing this is my last winter break.  When I grow up, I can’t just get a six-week hiatus, move somewhere else, take a break and try something new. 

So as much as I complain about winter break sometimes, I know I am going to be severely missing it this time next  year.  What seems like a painful period of time away from my friends and the comfort of Ohio University is also a much appreciated opportunity to develop skills or make money… and, of course, bond with my parents.

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Filed under Athens, Ohio, Ohio University, Winter